Horas and konnichiwa untuk semua


I created my first web site in 1995, when there were still many Gopher sites, and “Mosaic” was about the only way to access graphical web sites. Now, more than 10 years later, I still have the urge to keep my existence on this media. Hence this personal website. The main part of this personal website is a blog. I speak at least three languages daily, so I decided to have my blogs in three languages. There used to be one blog for each language, (plus another one which is a blog that serves as my personal note), but now I combined them into this single blog, while keeping them separated by putting “en” “jp” “id” “notes” prefixes in front of the category names.The title of this blog is a sentence in mixed languages, Indonesian, English, Japanese as well as Batak. I am not a so-called “blogger” (I disabled comment till recently), hence the subtitle.

Blog (Indonesian|Japanese|English) – Blog as it is usually known
Notes – This is intended purely for myself


  Spiritual resources:
    Quarterly for your handset
    Ellen G. White writings for your handset